September 15, 2014

Day #15

This is 'mystery fruit'.....No it's not coconuts,  I don't know what they are.. They hang on a tree. That's all I know.
 So halfway through the 30 in 30 Challenge I'm painting things that I don't know . This is harder than I thought and I have more respect for the artists that did the last few challenges.. 
 Can you name this fruit??? LOL !


  1. I give up then because I would guess they are coconuts, they are beautifully painted even if it is not. I love the bird and lake scene below as well! Congratulations on being halfway through!

  2. Beautiful paintings, and your use of color is just superb. I always love how you do that! I personally ike the idea of creating a newly, as yet unnamed fruit! Let's make up a name for them!

    1. Yes, Katherine a new fruit...
      Probably something that grows here in Florida but I don't know... Thank you so much for coming by.

  3. Doesn't matter to me what kind of fruit they are - your painting is gorgeous. Definitely has the fee of some place exotic that I have never been but would like to visit. Take care friend - hope you are feeling better.

  4. Guava? Clearly I do no know all of my fruits!
    Some mystery to life is good! Half way, good on you!

  5. OMG, Jerry it could be guava for all I know..
    I'll bet I find these in the local market... LOL !
    but your right ... mystery is always good.

  6. Replies
    1. OMG! it could be Papaya? I'll go google it..

  7. Whatever they are I like them. They are a Mango shape but I have never seen Mangoes on a tree only in a shop LOL. I like the dark bg in the second work, makes the fruit really sing

  8. What a beautiful painting. Don't really care about the fruit, it looks good enough to eat. Great colors and composition. Glad you are feeling better.

  9. You are painting beautifully and I am so proud of you for managing these paintings every day!!! I do not know how you manage it. Love both interpretations; if not coconuts, I too wonder what it is!


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