September 14, 2014

Day # 14

Well today was a struggle as you can see.. but fighting congestion kept me up all night long... I picked something simple and The Little Red Boat is it for today.  
Still in the 30 in 30 Challenge and about half way through. 
See you tomorrow... B


  1. BJ, your a trouper, up all night and continue to maintain your 30 in 30 challenge. I love the little red boat, great job in the reflections. Do take care, and try to rest. I look forward to your next post. In fact I will enjoy your previous post in the meantime. Take care, my friend.

    1. Thank you Joan , I so appreciate your comments.

  2. Hope you are feeling better Barbra! I Know this painting!
    Don't be cheating now!!! Now I can get on with my day.

  3. Jerry, you may know this painting because I painted one like it long time ago.
    This one was done just this a.m.
    thnx for the visit .. now you can get on with your day.

  4. Great job with the boat, BJ. They're hard to do, especially if you're feeling rough!

    1. Thanks Keith, it seemed to come together, but yes it was a struggle.

  5. You've captured a serenity I long for, BJ. Reminds me of when I had a boyfriend in Washington who lived on a sailboat. I remember looking out over the water early early one morning and getting this same sense. Beautiful!

  6. Sherry I truly wish that serenity for you.

  7. BJ - I am sorry you are sick but obviously it hasn't stop you one bit from painting something so lovely. Can I come hop in that boat with you and sail away?? I am sure we would have so much fun - hugs!!

    1. Your welcome anytime Debbie..
      about the boat though...hmmm! we have gators. !!
      lol !


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