July 30, 2010

Not exactly my favorite, but playing with lots of color this morning, and this is was what came of it... It's more of an Iris that I grew in my head... uh--- oh!!  and since this was posted I've gotten so many comments.. the special thing about it was, that when I painted it I felt so good, so alive and so happy that I now feel it showed through.... thank you all so very much. 


  1. I think this is beautiful! What glorious colors!

  2. I always love the journey of playing with colors with out knowing the destination, you played really well!

  3. This is a very emotional, colorful painting which verges on the abstract. I love it!

  4. The colors are fabulous; I find it's harder to paint what's in my head as opposed to something I see--so I especially like this fantasy!

  5. Barbra Joan, this is wonderful. I love the loosness, the abstraction, the color -- there is so much to like about it. I feel your emotional attachment to flowers.

    Tom Fong, our workshop instructor, would be impressed!

    Thanks for checking in on my blog at a time when I've been traveling, having guests, and coordinating workshops with little time to mingle with blog friends. Your visits are always a breath of fresh air.


Thank you for your comment. They are very much appreciated.