July 23, 2010

I'm on a Roll!

There are days, no weeks when I just cannot get that 'thing going ' and then there are the weeks like this  where I can't stop... doesn't matter if they're good or not so good... I'm doin' thats what counts. 
 I know , I know ,  and yet another poppy good grief, but so be it, and then the hummingbird is maybeeee a work in progress (WIP) but something says just work on that left wing a little and call it finished! 


  1. Oh, you are on a roll, Barbara Joan--this is just so beautiful. I love how you've painted the hummingbird, with the wings so lightly done, and the shape of them really looks like flight!

  2. Thank you all so much .. I've had so many wonderful comments on it at Flickr. Sometimes it just all comes together and thats what happened with this piece.

  3. Found you through Christiane's blog - and what a wonderful blog you have here. I'm now following :)

    This little fellow is stunning. Everything about this painting is just beautiful!

  4. Oh, I love this. I'm a big fan of wet-in-wet though I'm useless at it myself. Excellent work.

  5. oh, you are all so nice to comment and visit, I love that.. thank you so much,,

  6. this is just lovely, Barbra Joan, I love the looseness and the wings are amazing.. inspiring! Beautiful, Diana


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