October 17, 2014


A few years back I did a humming bird on a coneflower and it took second place at a local art show.. 
I like that painting, so decided to paint it again and offer it in my Etsy Shop... This one is smaller 8x10" in the mat. 
I seem to be doing a lot of birds lately ?  HMMMMM ! 
Bird-brained. !!!   


  1. 12 will make a calendar! She is a pretty bird at that!

  2. Wish I could see one in the real, not sure we them here. Love yours on the coneflower

    1. Lorraine, I see them few and far in between here .
      I think they go further south and this is kind of a stopover... You know... sort of a coffee break!
      But I have had them visit a flower or two in my yard

  3. You must be painting birds beakause you love them. This is a great action painting

  4. You made me laugh, BJ. It is beautiful!

  5. Nothing wrong with a little bird - brained in my opinion - of course I think I have the same problem. I remembered your gorgeous hummer from before. Definitely a beautiful subject to be revisited. Take care and have a great week dear! Hugs

  6. It's special, the mat sets it off beautifully!

  7. Lovely painting BJ. I have yet to see one, they say, they are so tiny. You did a beautiful job painting this little guy.


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