April 19, 2020

It's Her !!!

It's Sunday, and it's Jenny.   Black cats are so hard to photograph and I think this was the only time I was able to see her face. Don't let that mean look in her eyes fool you. 
She's such a sweet cat, and wouldn't hurt a bug... I mean she REALLY wouldn't hurt a bug !!! The smallest critter sends her running under a chair.  


  1. She is absolutely gorgeous. My aunt had a black cat that understood English-my aunt loved that cat and swore she understood everything she said!

  2. Yes Debra, I have a video where she understands me ... I tell her go and eat and she walks to her dish. Or get on the bed ... and she does it ..
    She also knows 'lay down'... LOL !

  3. Jenny is a pretty girl. For some reason, my computer took a minute to open this photo. I could read your comment and I thought you were playing a trick on us because all I could see was black:) Happy Sunday!

  4. A scaredy cat:) Yes, she sounds like an absolute sweetie, Joan!

  5. All my cats obey "no", although Lacey turns a deaf ear when it comes to food. I say "okay" when I'm going to feed them, and they all run for the kitchen when they hear it. There are other words and phrases; but, being cats, they sometimes ignore them :) Zoe's hard to photograph without her body looking like a big flat mat. I use a photo program to lighten and clarify, so one can tell she actually has fur. Jenny is such a cutie! One's cat is always the best company. Hope life is treating you well. I'm doing fine. If I could make my body ten years younger, I'd be doing fantastic! :)

    1. I like that last line.. I feel the same way but lets' say twenty.

  6. She's a beauty! I know what you mean about black cats! I have very few good pix of my Smilla!

  7. BJ your kitty is such a sweetie...she reminds me of my two black ones that I had years ago...Sheba and Tootsie. Loved them both. Give that putty cat a hug from me.


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