December 2, 2018

Looking For

I'm looking for the website that allows you to do this.  This is a painting I did years ago, then went onto a site that puts your painting in front of three people sitting on a bench..
I can't for the life of me remember the name of it .
If anyone knows please leave it in my comment section. 
 This was another one .


  1. Wish I could help, but no... What a good idea.
    Great artwork, by the way :)

  2. Hey Chris, that's ok . I just cannot remember the site.. but maybe someone else might.

  3. BJ - I am no help but certainly enjoyed seeing your art displayed this way. Hope you are doing well my dear friend. Hugs!

  4. Hi Barbra, Do you mean any virtual interior to see your work on the wall or just this particular one? I use artsee and artrooms on my i pad to put my paintings on virtual interior walls. I also use wallap by ohmyprints.

  5. Yes Padmaja,I'm looking for the particular one. I HAVE found others that you mention, but thanks so much .


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