December 6, 2018


 I'm on my new laptop and the first post to Art Hearts Place!  
It's just the right size, fast, and clear and I love having a keyboard to type on.  So far I'm setting it up by myself, and we'll see how I get along without calling in the Army. I'm not the best to do things on the computer, and don't know how I run a website, Etsy, 2 blogs, and a host of other "stuff".  Divine intervention, no doubt. LOL !

I still have to see how the photo end of this goes... Fingers crossed. 


  1. You're doing great, Barbra Joan! You are a 21st century woman :)

  2. I thought I'd never be able to figure so much stuff out-but I did it too. Just wanted to say how I love your art!


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