May 6, 2018

Sunday Afternoon

Sunday afternoon at Lake Talquin near Tallahassee.  Went there to paint and try to do plein aire.. I never get to do that and have been wanting to..

The start of a painting. 

Then a visit from this six foot long creature and it wouldn't leave. He came almost to waters edge. Once they get on land they can run pretty fast.   It was time for me to say BYEEEE!


  1. A very pretty place! You got a really nice start on your painting, Barbra Joan. I'd say it was a very good idea to respect your friend's space. Yikes!

  2. I think you are very brave to just be there in the first place!!! If I knew those guys could come around-I'd be painting from inside the car!! Your painting is really nice, by the way.

  3. Oh I would have been busy running too BJ - beautiful photo of the lake and your sketch is gorgeous friend. Sorry you had to leave so soon. Hugs!

  4. Oh my goodness! I can't imagine. . . when I saw the first picture I was wondering if there may be any alligators in there. Glad you got out of there in a hurry.

    What you have so far on your painting is just lovely.

    1. Terri, as I said before, in Florida if there is water, there are gators... oh yes!


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