February 5, 2018

#5 30 In 30

  #5 is again flowers. When I first started watercolor around 1987 I probably did more flowers than anything else.. Back then I was a little more realistic in my painting.  For the last 20 years I've tried very hard to loosen up. I do like this style of painting but every once in a while I revert back to my nit-picky ways as you'll see tomorrow.  I can't thank you ladies enough for all your wonderful comments.  


  1. So pretty...I love the little spatters of paint-they add so much. Love your Etsy shop!

  2. This is a beautiful floral painting and has a tranquil feel to it. I know what you mean about the difficulty when it comes to loosening up. I'm doing my best to experience that freedom as well. Enjoy your day!

  3. Wow! So beautiful, Barbra Jo!
    Day 5 was a very good painting day!


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