November 19, 2013

Is it Live or Memorex?

Some years back I painted these on a porch wooden floor.
Thought you might like to see them. 



  1. Gorgeous. Oh BJ, that was such a wonderful Idea and they are gorgeous. love and hugs,Diana

  2. Painted? Wow! Such a great idea and so beautiful!

  3. Wow, BJ! Words fail me. I love these, especially the bottom one. You are soooo creative and so talented. I'm left awed and wishing I had a wood floor!

  4. Are these paintings of rugs??? They look like actual rugs Am I confused? If they are paintings then they are VERY clever! :0)

  5. BJ - absolutely beautiful. What a wonderful idea. Such a creative thought my dear. Hope you are good. Hugs


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