October 5, 2013

Art At the Cottage

Although a beautiful place for an art show, weather perfect this event didn't draw the people as we thought it might.
It was the first time held here and we'll definitely do it again.
It's still hot and humid here and drained me even though it was only 5 hours.  It was shaded by huge live oak trees, plants and flowers everywhere.. I could sleep in a tent right there in that garden.
Lotsa creepy crawly things though.. oh here's a pic of one of the trees loaded with Spanish moss...  BJ


  1. It looks so beautiful there. Nice to know that you are back to normal after your hospital stay. Stay healthy and enjoy life. Greetings

  2. I think it looks an awesome venue, BJ. Did you make any sales? So glad it was only five hours, a nice amount of time for a first time event and hopefully next year it will have more exposure and draw more people. We're still getting hot and humid here too. Up in low 80's but throw in the humidity and it is sticky and uncomfortable. We'll live...hoping it breaks by the end of this next week.

  3. Nice location for an art show. Two man tent, I hope!

  4. Cora thanks, yes I'm back .
    Sherry, 5 hours is enough for now.
    Jerry, so who needs a tent.. ? ...

  5. This looks a lovely place for an Art Show. A pity not so many turned out, hope more turn up next time :)

  6. It looks like a nice place to be on a hot day. Hopefully word will get around and more people will turn up next time.

  7. BJ - this does look like a lovely spot for an art show. Hope you get some cooler temps. soon. We have had an exceptionally warm fall here as well. Cooler today though. Take care! Hugs

  8. Wow, looks lovely and lots of exciting art to view and purchase! In my area, that weekend was so popular for events.

  9. Hello Barbra:) Looks great to me! Maybe next time a lot of people will show and buy:) Take care!xx


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