June 9, 2013

An Attempt !

I don't know why I find iris' so difficult to paint. Such a beautiful flower and colors.  This is one that was growing in the gardens of the Chihuly Glass Museum.  I made an attempt at it just yesterday.
Since not painting much this past month while away, I'm finding myself going a bit backward.. but that has happened to me every time ... I wonder if  that happens to others ? 
.. Somehow it's like not riding a bicycle, you get back on and find it takes a bit of steadiness to feel comfortable again.. Ok .so, I still have time
( I think) ! !!?  BJ


  1. I find Iris to be difficult, too. it's hard to get the depth or something. I think you did a fine job after being away for a month.

  2. Yes, practise makes perfect! I still warm up before I begin a welding project.

  3. I agree Barbra - with painting you either use it, or lose it! But I don't think you have lost it at all - your flower is gorgeous!
    I always feel a little rusty if I don't paint for a while :0)

  4. BJ - I know what you mean about getting out of practice. Your iris though looks lovely and I certainly don't think you have lost your touch my friend. Hope you have a great day.

  5. Such a beautiful flower, and yes, difficult to paint. You did great!

  6. Hello! I've been visiting your previous blog and this one. Great pictures and I like your iris very much. It is such a delicate and artistic flower painted by many artists. Good job

  7. Thanks for joining my blogs Helen.. and for your kind comments.

  8. Beautiful, Barbra Joan. If this is going backwards, can I travel with you? I find I always feel like I can't paint when I've been off for a while. It's difficult to get started again. Good job!


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