September 16, 2012


You would think that by now I would know about color theory.
Opaque and transparent, but through the years it  has been trial and error.   Yes, sort of like my life.!!!.       
That's what comes from being self taught. I've never liked tube greens and always mixed my own using various yellows and blues, mostly colors that I liked (still do ) New Gamboge, Ultra Blue being amongst them. 
 A few years back I read a book Making Color Sing by Jeanne Dobie, and at the time I was still mixing and mushing and making mud.  MUD -- the favorite color of artists that don't know a whole lot about color mixing.
 Now I've taken it more seriously and putting (trying) it into practice.
  Out of these few transparent colors you can do a lot and you won't make mud. You pros already know all this. 
 I've taken a liking to cobalt blue, aureolin yellow, always did like rose madder genuine, viridian  and the very staining transparents,  Winsor blue and  Winsor green, alizarin crimson.  I've been on a sunflower rant the past few days. Sharing  one with you.
Not one of the best, but hey Ma Look !   No mud!  BJ

September 7, 2012

Quick Sketch

Lately I've been fascinated by these quick sketch projects..
It's not my usual, but I drew a familiar piece that I'd done not long ago.. Very fast and very fun.. so much so that I'm going to do a few subjects that I like in the same technique. 
I have 3 exhibits coming up associated with my Art Guild so I'd better get serious..   

September 2, 2012

Breakfast For One

You know how that slump hits you everyonce in a while ?
Well when that happens to me I find that making small watercolors keeps my hand in the paint so to speak.. This is a recipe card size for making oatmeal . I've made others for Lemonade, Chicken Salad etc. , and other simple recipes. No , I'm not a good cook, if I cook at all ...
 I make toast . !!!