October 1, 2011

Art in the Park Day

Although the only sales I know of was from the Pottery man. It was my first 'outside'  art event  The last one was a demo thing..  What lacked in sales  today was made up in the experience and all that I learned,  too much to tell here, but from my grids being backwards, oh yes,  needing stakes in the ground,  pricing, where to get prints made, framing,  meeting so many nice people and finally realizing that yes,  maybe I am an artist? !! ..and being accepted by my peers that is the best part. 
  My art was so well received that even I  was surprised.  Just when you reach an age where you think you know everything .  Who would have thought?   
    As to the weather today,  it was the absolute best day of the whole year, no kidding, low 80's , under the trees, lakeside and who could ask for anything more...? 
  For sure, not me.    hugs, BJ


  1. Wow!! Look what happens when you step outside of your comfort zone!! You ARE an artist but then I always knew that and it is why I began following your blog. That you are an awesome person is what makes you a friend. What a perfect package you are, BJ! Hugs from me!

  2. BJ, sounds like you had a fab time! Sometimes its the networking that is the greatest benefit.
    A guest spot in a gallery - way to go! Delighted for you xx

  3. Barbra, I am so glad that you did this, had a wonderful time, and are finally begining your "coming out party"! They are ready for you and now is the time!!! Oh, a long black dress and red fingernails and, of course, the hoop earrings!

  4. Thank you ..Sherry, Pat, Jerry, it's because of friends like you and a few more out there I had the encouragement to do it. No Jerry, I"m not the red finger nails, but always the hoop earrings LOL ! BJ

  5. What a cute post! That looks like a very enjoyable day. Of course you are a real artist. And wear whatever you feel like wearing! There is no required artist attire!

  6. Loved reading this post. It's great all the opportunities that are opening up to you. Your artwork is always a delight.

  7. Wonderful BJ, Bravo!! that is wonderful, so many opportunities.. great !!! You wear what is you. me I always wear wild socks and anything that matches them! ha. hugs to you,Diana

  8. I ran the whole show in my mind after reading this post! It amazing what an exposure like this one does to your psyche.. it just boosts ups your spirit, I am glad you were part of this experience Babra!

  9. Thank you Padmaja, Diane, Yvonne, Katherine, yes, it was a wonderful day, I will do it again any time I can. BJ

  10. What an exciting time you are having! Congratulations! Of course you are an Artist, so believe in your self!
    Isn't the weather odd at the moment? Last week, here in the south of the UK it was 28 degrees! The beach was full of people sunbathing in their bikinis and swim shorts! That is almost unheard of in the Autumn! :0)


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