January 31, 2018

The 30 in 30 Challenge

Well here we go again... I've joined the Challenge again. Second time that I've completely lost my mind. Just kidding, it was fun and has been a couple years since I did it ... 
You try to do a painting every day for 30 days. And post it to the blog . Here's the link ...Challenge.  It's Leslie Saeta Fine Art blog. 

So the last time I did it I manage to do it every day.  Hooray for me!!  But this time?  Hmmmm! not so sure.. For one thing I'm having a hard time thinking of subjects to paint. I'm thinking of doing a 'theme' ... one subject and paint it 30 times.. Like I thought of teacups, or coffee cups. Or maybe one theme for a week and then change to another.. and so on.. 
Gotta go right now... but we'll see how this goes.. Fingers crossed. 


  1. I'm signed up too. Been trying to do a few ahead of time-just in case! I would like to have a theme-but I don't yet. It's a good way to try to stay on course.

  2. I'm so excited to see this challenge you've excepted come to life here on your blog. No doubt, whatever your subject it'll be beautiful!


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