June 5, 2012

Orchids for Today.

A quick watercolor sketch of a phalaenopsis orchid.
we are in need of some color on my blog.  so here tis.  BJ


  1. Lovely, Barbra,

    Such pleasant shape and color,


  2. And such vibrant colors they are! Lovely painting, BJ!!

  3. BJ, this is a very nice sketch with lovely colors. Indeed, sometime we need to color our blog. Greetings..

  4. Oh yes, lovely uplifting colour! Thank you, it's raining here so this is just what I needed :0)

  5. Judy ,Cora and Sandra, yes we need a punch of color sometimes.. and today was that time. !
    Thank for your comments. BJ

  6. Beautiful BJ, so very lovely!! hug to you,Diana

  7. Lovely!
    I have two and they are gorgeous - just like your painting :) xx

  8. Such delicate beauties, my friend! Lovely work. Tried to comment yesterday a.m. but it told me this page wasn't available. Ah well...better late than never, yes?

  9. BJ - love your orchid - it looks a bit like the one I purchased for my Mom. They do not grow too well in Ohio but how lovely a plant. Happy painting - love Debbie

  10. Thanks all of you, and Debbie yes, this is the place for orchids, although I've never had too much luck with them before, I think they're starting to like me. !! BJ

  11. Hi Barbra. Thanks so much for your visit to my blog today. It was a delight to see you there and i appreciate your comments. It is nice to be painting again. Looks like you have been as well! What a lovely orchid and it does add a splash of color. Beautiful! Hope you are doing well and happily painting. Cheers!

  12. Beautiful work. I have one just like that blooming away on my coffee table. Still raining here. :-(


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