January 4, 2011

Todays Painting! Peony

I always say I can't paint when I'm  upset!  Well, I'm upset and came up with this in the past half hour!  I'm almost , almost happy with it! !   just lightly drew it out . (I believe it was from Wet Canvas..)  palette, Permanent Rose, Ultra Blue for the shadows and New Gamboge a little mix here/there  and lots of  water. These colors, this flower is good for what ails you !!!  (and me too) !


  1. Good Job,Barbra Joan, love the backwashes in it...I find it helps me to paint upset ... let her rip.. love,Diana

  2. I hope this has cheered you up Barbra! It's just SO lovely! And the colours are gorgeous! Painting is such a good way of taking your mind off of things isn't it? :0D

  3. I think you should try more often to paint when you are upset because the result is fantastic. Beautifull. I loved it. Kisses

  4. wowie,zowie... the colors make me HAPPY! Hope things get better...

  5. Beautiful watercolor. I love the pink colors!

  6. Nice to have this talent to make art so quickly! Pretty amazing really, think what you could produce when happy? Don't let anyone have the power to make you sad.

  7. You certainly can paint when you're upset! :)
    Its absolutely beautiful .


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