November 8, 2010

My Artistic Contribution for the Day

While  at the art show everyone else was busy photographing art,  I spotted this leaf casting its shadow on the trunk of a tree and took it at an angle.
It's as though  the leaf is saying " I see my shadow .... therefore I am"  .. Out of about 150,000 people at the show, I think it's my exclusive.. ! and Sherry pointed out the heart shape of the shadow. ! !


  1. Nice color of Fall, Barbra, and to think some people missed this!

  2. Love this photo! Notice the leaf shadow is heart shaped? That painting "Quiet Place in [My] Mind" is beautiful too! Glad I got to stop by even if in a flash!

  3. Yes, Sherry it is a heart shape !

  4. Barbra Joan, what a beautiful photo. You are really excellent at capturing lovely moments. Have you considered painting this one? I bet you would do a super job of it.

  5. I can see why you took this photograph. The beautiful colour of the leaf against the trunk makes it stand right out. Well spotted!

  6. I love this picture so much I cannot wait to see what this one looks like when you have done your artwork to it.

  7. No matter how I would try I couldn't do a better job than Mother Nature.. It was just perfect timing!

  8. This is a masterpiece photo! It's a once in a lifetime shot of that moment when a living thing falls to the earth for the last time... so beautiful and poignant! Wow!
    Would you like to join yet another artists group? I'd love to see what you come up with for the theme Candy and Sweets.


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