October 6, 2010

Savannah .. Alert the Media.

Yes, lock the windows and  bolt the doors,  I'll be in Savannah for a few days with my good friend.. The Professor and the Artist.   Come on now...you know who is who..Savannah is a beautiful old Southern city.    I hope  to see it all and  get lots of pictures for painting reference and if they're nice to us we'll leave the city intact. See you  all when I get back.   


  1. You girls have fun, I don't want to be reading about you in the papers! Mint juleps? I hope you find something sensible to drink!
    PS. I bought a lottery ticket today and won $3!!! so we are getting closer to Italy!

  2. Barbra Joan, I just hope that by the time you see this you left Savannah intact and you were intact when you left Savanna. That goes along with wishes that your time was very special being spent with friends.

  3. I intend to make the most of it. LOL!

  4. oh my gosh all I have to say is send me that header that floral painting is awesome oh and say hi to my mama paula deen


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