August 21, 2009

Is It Real?

I wondered why I had so many comments on the drawing of the "Eye' (below) after I posted it on Flickr. It was picked to be on 'Explore ' of which I never knew about. I'm guessing it's a page where they post what they think is 'interesting'. Some people commented on what a "wonderful photo" it is.... No , No, not a photo,... a photo of my drawing! But thank you anyway.


  1. It's amazing the comments you get on Flickr sometimes. Some people only see the 'photo' not what's in it, like people who look at a painting and only see the technique, not what it's about. Anyway, it was a fascinating drawing.

  2. Stunning work, Barbara. I'll be watching for more!

  3. Thank you so much to everyone from Flickr and my blog who made comments about my drawing ..


Thank you for your comment. They are very much appreciated.