June 21, 2012

Oh , not another flower painting?

No matter what I paint I'm always in my element painting flowers. Sometimes I feel pressured to paint other subjects. Why should that be?  I'm not a landscape, seascape or a still life painter.. I'm a painter of flowers,, nothing gives me as much joy as when I'm doing the flower dance.  LOL !  So boring 'ole me paints yet another flower.

June 18, 2012

The Art Journal Obsession

I almost always post pages from my small journal on my other blog, but did a few more pages and here they are.
My smallest palette, teeny tiny, a page or two for Poe, and Andrew Wyeth whose art I really admired early on. So had the chance to see up close and personal .. Went to the Norton Gallery in West Palm Beach, the date? Jan 25, 1996.. This book is about 31/2" square and I follow no rules, nothing is coordinated as in some journals of today. I'm not a scrapbook person, but when you don't see me around?  This is probably what I'm doing . Not finished yet, and it could go on for weeks, months, and years. LOL !

June 11, 2012


I'm mostly a painter of flowers and since Spring has sprung
I'm posting some of my past flowers.
If your quiet in the garden,
 you'll hear what each flower is saying.
read that somewhere.

June 5, 2012

Orchids for Today.

A quick watercolor sketch of a phalaenopsis orchid.
we are in need of some color on my blog.  so here tis.  BJ